My fiancé gave me some flowers and balloons as an act of love, the flowers looked so beautiful and the choice of colors for the balloons was awesome, I loved them. That day, I got a new flower vase and I put my new flowers into it, and then added water. After a few days, the helium in the balloons started to deflate, they were not floating anymore, and they later dropped to the floor and the only way I could keep them floating is by taking them back to the store to inflate them again.

At this point, the Holy Spirit began to minister to me that as believers and disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, how much of the Holy spirit do we have in us? I think this a question for us to reflect on, right? Are you also deflating like the balloons? Do you go back to Him to recharge daily? How much of God do you have in you to live a victorious life, to deal with temptations in this chaotic world? How much of God’s word do you have in you? The bible says in Isaiah 40:8 that the grass withers and the flowers fall but the word of our God endures forever. Also in Psalm 119:11, it says, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

The balloons needed air and the flowers needed water to survive a few days so how much more Man who was created in God’s likeness and image? How much do we depend on Him to survive? God loves us so much that He gave us beautiful life. He gave us His son and redeemed us from all destructions. His love is ultimate and beautiful, His love endures forever. His love does not die.

Friends, please plug yourself with the Holy Spirit so He can make you fully inflated and stay soaked in Him. He will guide you into all truth if you give yourself to the word, pray and stay away from every appearance of sin, so you do not die like the flowers – I mean spiritual death. Get yourself filled with the Holy Ghost!

Remain blessed!

Oyinlola Babatunde